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Network Spinal Chiropractic Care

Network Spinal Chiropractic Care in Kailua Kona, Hawaii

with Dr. Michelle Craft & Dr. Dustin Craft

Gentle Touch Network Spinal Chiropractic

Network Spinal Chiropractic Care is the core clinical system that we use at The Soul Center for Well Being.

The NS chiropractic system has been shown to help people with conditions ranging from back pain to post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, infertility, anxiety and depression. Studies have validated NSA care as a way to predictably enhance wellness and quality of life across the board.

During and NS chiropractic session we evaluate your spine and nervous system with the NS protocol and check for the presence of one of five different possible patterns of spinal cord tension. Then, instead of twisting, cracking or popping your spine, we use precise touch to specific areas near the ends of your spine with just a light touch to create what is called “ spinal entrainment ”, a spontaneous wave-movement that travels through your body changing the frequency of the phase and releasing the tensio.

The spinal entrainment has been shown to help the central nervous system “reorganize” and evolve, and people receiving NS care are able to more quickly and easily decrease pain and adapt to change while developing a greater awareness of the relationships between their body, mind, and emotions.

NSA was developed in the early 1990Â’s by Dr. Donald Epstein D.C. to help people resolve tension patterns which occur when the spinal cord is over-stretched because of physical injury or mental or emotional stress.

When the spinal cord tissues are tractioned they behave similar to an elongated rubber band and oscillate at a higher frequency, called a “phase”. That frequency is then distributed throughout the body's 75-100 trillion cells via an elaborate nerve network.

"Network Care has a direct effect on client self-reported wellness which is TWICE that expected from healthy lifestyle practices (exercise, risk avoidance, optimal food choices). Network also has a major effect on wellness by promoting healthy lifestyle choices."”

R.H. Blanks Ph.D.

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology

University of California, Irvine

Somato-Respiratory Integraton

The 12 Stages of Healing

Somatic breathing exercises to connect to self more fully and access greater wellbeing.

Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) is the set of exercises to help people cultivate the skills to acknowledge and more easily move through the natural 12 Stages of Healing that occur in our life. The exercises help you use your breath, touch, focused movement and attention to experience your body with more awareness and presence. Through step-by-step processes, SRI helps you shift your state of consciousness and have more trust for your body and where you are currently at in your life.

Anyone in physical pain, or who is going through an illness, divorce, depression, loss of a job or loved one can benefit profoundly from SRI exercises, and SRI is not just for those who are suffering.

The first 3 Stages of of SRI are especially helpful for people who are in pain, or who are feeling depressed, fatigued, helpless or stuck in life. This coincides with DISCOVER Care.

The next 4 Stages of SRI are powerful for people looking for a breakthrough or who are already in the process of making significant life-changes. TRANSFORM Care.

The last 5 SRI Stages promote more awakened consciousness states, and are designed to help you access and sustain a greater depth of overall well being. AWAKEN Care.

Most people find that regularly using the SRI exercises helps them feel more grounded and present, as well as more energized, confident and creative, therefore we integrate SRI exercises into all of the various programs of care at The SOUL Center for Well Being.

Once you learn how to do the SRI exercises, youÂ’ will have a powerful system for directly harnessing the internal forces of your body for easier self-healing, transformation and reorganization.

Through working with thousands of patients over many decades, Dr. Donald Epstein noticed that there are predictable patterns to the ways that people move and breathe at the precise moments when they are suffering, having breakthroughs or experiencing expanded states of consciousness. Over the years, Epstein eventually categorized these dozen unique stages, what he called Stages of Healing, and he wrote a book titled The Twelve Stages of Healing to describe each of them in detail. He is the creator or NSA and The 12 Stages of Healing-SRI.

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